Chiropractic: Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy Speeds Up Response Time. In a study researchers took military personnel and gave them an adjustment. They noted improvement in there whole body motor response tasks. …
How is your back healing after an injury? We want to do things to promote healing and not do things that further hurt or injure ourselves. A little …
Caffeine-loaded energy drinks may make your blood vessels less efficient. Researchers examined the blood vessels of 44 healthy, non-smoking medical students both before and after they consumed a 24-ounce …
Can you predict low back pain during pregnancy? Low back pain during pregnancy can result in physical disability, work absenteeism, and an increased risk for obstetric complications. A recent study …
Mobilization and the Carpal Tunnel. When the median nerve is compressed as it passes through the carpal tunnel at the wrist, it can result in the cluster of symptoms …
When people are injured in a whiplash accident we often think most of the damage is to the muscle of the neck and back. While muscle damage is …
The bad news. Most people will experience some form of headache during their lifetime. Good news for most people is that most headaches are related, at least in part, …
In a recent article researchers analyzed Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance plans and what they revealed was that many of these insurance companies do not apply evidence-based utilization management …
According to an article in the International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics, June 2018 researchers found nearly 80% of 1500 pregnant women were diagnosed with sacroiliac joint dysfunction. This SI …
In a recent article from Spine, April 2018 researchers studied 15000 Korean adults who sit for seven hours per day or more. Researchers concluded that sitting too long links …